
Showing posts from May, 2017

Are you loved?

It's good to know that God loves you. That He is concerned about the little details about you, like how you sleep, what you eat, what you wear, who you court. Admonishing David He said, "I also gave you your master’s house and put your master’s wives into your care and under your protection, and I gave you the house (royal dynasty) of Israel and of Judah; AND IF THAT HAD BEEN TOO LITTLE, I WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU MUCH MORE”. (2 Samuel 12:8) God is love. We forget that aspect of Him a lot when we are dealing with Him. As Africans, it is easy to see God as a consuming fire and as the ‘Lion' because we are raised to respect people not love them. But until you truly see God as Love (not the fake expression of love that causes you to go on sinning but the Truth of Love) you will never have a balanced relationship with Him. A lot of people respect God and maybe fear Him but they find it difficult to accept His Love; to accept His forgiveness; to see Him as love, and as l...

Musings of a Lover #5

THANK YOU, LORD, FOR ‘HARASSING ME WITH LOVE'. So for a while now I have been worried about school life and how to balance it with my walk with God and my service to Him. I don’t want any to suffer and it SEEMS like in the course of life one would have to take pre-eminence. So I’m throwing this question to you; how do you balance church- life (service) and work-life? After school you’ll be saddled with various responsibilities like family, work, ministry and some other things, how do you make sure there’s balance? I know people who have gone to both sides of the extreme; putting all attention to one (maybe ministry) and totally neglecting the other (maybe family). Then I know people who seem to be making it work. So how do you create a balance or does God literally expect you to throw everything and follow Him? I believe if we have this balance even in the circular world a lot of families will be saved. A lot of marriages will be saved if a lot of husbands kept their wives...

God is Able to do What He says He will do

It’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to conclude that God is not working. So what do you do when you get to this point where it feels like you’re going nowhere? You take a deep breath, relax and tell God to take over. A ridiculous position for someone who is expecting some action, but until you’re still and realize and recognize that He is God, you will never get God to work in your life. God is able to do that which He says He will do. His ability does not change because the circumstances have changed or because the person you were hoping on has passed on. The prophet says in Isaiah 26:3-4 “Thou (God) wilt keep him (you) in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee (Him): because he (you)  trusts in thee (Him). Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” God tells us to put our trust in Him (that confidently relies on and believe in Him). Circumstances may change, people may fail you but God will not fail you.  God is perfect in al...


Amos 3:3 Can two walk together except they agree? Agreement is very important for any relationship to work. The place of fellowship is where spouses can learn about each other; their flaws, their likes, and dislikes and how best to relate to each other. In our relationship with Christ ( He is our groom and we are His bride Rev 21:9 ), fellowship is where divinity meets with humanity and we become more like Him. We can fellowship with God through His Word and Prayer.  When you are going through God’s Word, you might not immediately feel the effect of what you’re doing but if you CONSISTENTLY keep at it, one day you'll realize that you’re acting like Jesus. Remember always that in your Christian life you walk by Faith and not by Sight and you can only move God by your faith. So believe you’re getting something from your Word study even if you think you’re not, and consistently keep at it and you’ll soon realize that the Word is having an impact in your life.  Next is prayer. S...


This is in continuation of our previous post ‘GOD IS ABLE’. God is ABLE to save. We limit Him too much. Reading the book of Psalms I got insight into God’s saving power. Psalm 107 They wandered in the wilderness in a [solitary] desert region; And did not find a way to an inhabited city. Hungry and thirsty, They fainted. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He rescued them from their distresses. He led them by the straight way, To an inhabited city [where they could establish their homes]. ... ... He satisfies the parched throat, And fills the hungry appetite with what is good ... ... Some dwelt in darkness and in the deep (deathly) darkness, Prisoners [bound] in misery and chains, Because they had rebelled against the precepts of God And spurned the counsel of the Most High. Therefore He humbled their heart with hard labour; They stumbled and there was no one to help. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them from their distresses. He br...