Are you loved?

It's good to know that God loves you. That He is concerned about the little details about you, like how you sleep, what you eat, what you wear, who you court.

Admonishing David He said, "I also gave you your master’s house and put your master’s wives into your care and under your protection, and I gave you the house (royal dynasty) of Israel and of Judah; AND IF THAT HAD BEEN TOO LITTLE, I WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU MUCH MORE”. (2 Samuel 12:8)

God is love. We forget that aspect of Him a lot when we are dealing with Him. As Africans, it is easy to see God as a consuming fire and as the ‘Lion' because we are raised to respect people not love them. But until you truly see God as Love (not the fake expression of love that causes you to go on sinning but the Truth of Love) you will never have a balanced relationship with Him. A lot of people respect God and maybe fear Him but they find it difficult to accept His Love; to accept His forgiveness; to see Him as love, and as long as you're like that, God will keep working with you in the way you have presented yourself to Him till He can get you to turn your heart.

‘God loves me'. I’ll keep telling myself that even if it pains the ears of the devil to hear it. ‘God loves me' and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Reading the story of Miriam, this statement by God struck a cord in my heart

"But the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had but spit in her face, would she not bear her shame for seven days? Let her be shut up outside the camp for seven days, and afterward, she may return.” (Num 12:14). GOD COMPARED HIMSELF TO HER FATHER!!. I don’t know about you but this gets me excited. If you had a loving father growing up you would better appreciate this point, if you didn’t, you can have one in Him now. God loves you even better than your mind can comprehend but you can only understand it when you let Him in.

So how many people want to let Him in? Hands up!

Say this little yet IMPORTANT prayer

Dear LORD JESUS I accept you into my life as my LORD and personal saviour. I believe that you died for me on the cross and on the third day you rose again from the dead and now you’re sited at the Right Hand of God in heaven. Thank you for dying for me. Flood my heart and life with your love. Help me accept Your love and teach me to love you in return. Amen.

If you truly experience the Love of God, to serve Him will not be difficult, to talk about Him will be easy. I would love to see God as a consuming fire in my life but if I had to live a life without experiencing God's love in it, it would not be a life worth living.


  1. God is love truly, and if God cannot change, His love for us cannot also change! It's not dependent on our character or attitude towards Him, He (love- God) is constant, He will never increase more than he was yesterday neither will he diminish in value or intensity. Live in the reality of Him (love) and enjoy Christianity.


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