God is Able to do What He says He will do

It’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to conclude that God is not working. So what do you do when you get to this point where it feels like you’re going nowhere? You take a deep breath, relax and tell God to take over. A ridiculous position for someone who is expecting some action, but until you’re still and realize and recognize that He is God, you will never get God to work in your life.

God is able to do that which He says He will do. His ability does not change because the circumstances have changed or because the person you were hoping on has passed on. The prophet says in Isaiah 26:3-4 “Thou (God) wilt keep him (you) in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee (Him): because he (you)  trusts in thee (Him). Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.”

God tells us to put our trust in Him (that confidently relies on and believe in Him). Circumstances may change, people may fail you but God will not fail you. 

God is perfect in all His ways. The devil can manipulate facts and figures to make it seem like there is no hope. I said make it seem because, he knows that you still have a solution, but if he makes you believe you don’t then he has already won most of the battle. When you begin to believe that Your God is bigger than the devil you have already started winning. A preacher said ‘Though you walk through the valley of the Shadow of death you shall fear no evil. Why? Because your God is still the biggest person in the valley'

Talking about shadows, have you noticed how objects cast a bigger shadow especially at night. So you think everything is a giant till you come close and realize that it's just something harmless. That’s how little issues are magnified in our lives to look so big that you begin to think if God can really solve it, God can. Once the light of His word begins to illuminate your circumstances you’ll begin to see how little those issues really are.

The level of which you see God at work in your life is the level at which you have let him operate. If you’re thinking ‘how I wish I was like that man of God' or ‘how I want my life to be going really well'. Well, you can be or it can be. Just give God more time and space to operate in your life like the man of God did. God won’t force himself on you. He won’t force you to do what you have refused to do. He’ll just keep waiting till you agree. He’s the perfect gentleman.  Do you agree?


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