He's Guiding You Safely! Know it and Believe it

For you too❤
    Guiding me safely by Chris Delvan Gwamna
    I know the way He walks. I've seen the path He trods. Cos His Spirit is all over me. Guiding me safely in the way
    I am the apple of His eyes. I am the joy that's in His heart. I am the smile that splits His face. And He's guiding me safely in the way
    I know the way You walk. I know the path you trod. Your Spirit is all over me. And You're guiding me safely in the way
    I am the apple of Your eyes. I am the tree You bear around. My life is engraved upon the palm of Your hand. And You're guiding me safely in the way. And You're guiding me safely in the way. Guiding me safely in the way
    I am the star that's in His sky. I am the dream He's matching to. I am the twinkle of the crown on His head. He's guiding me safely in the way
    Yes He's knows the way I walk. He sees the path I trod. Cos His Spirit is all over me. And He's guiding me safely in the way. He's guiding me safely in the way. Guiding me safely in the way. Guiding me safely
    Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; Guiding me safely in the way. No weapon formed against me shall prosper; Guiding me safely in the way. The snare of the Fowler is broken my soul has escaped; Guiding me safely in the way.   You've given me a sound of rejoicing all day long; Guiding me safely in the way. In the name of the Lord I rejoice forever; Guiding me safely in the way.

Sometimes it feels like you don't know where you are going. Other times it feels like the devil is winning. But know this: that God is by your side, guiding you safely in the way.

Gen 28:15 "Behold, I am with you and will keep [careful watch over you and guard] you wherever you may go, and I will bring you back to this [promised] land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Believe this! Know this! Speak this!


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