On Marriage #3... and Everything Else

So today I’ll be talking to those who want to know God’s principles and live by them and those who would want to make that decision to walk with Him.

It is wisdom to seek  God’s counsel first before embarking on ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING including marriage. Why? Have you ever tried going to Jamaica on your own before maybe in your car? Ridiculous right. Do you even know your way to Jamaica? So what do you do? You enter into a plane that has a pilot who knows the way. Same as your marriage. Have you been on that journey before? You need someone who knows the way.

Don’t make hasty decisions because you think you don’t have time. It's better to spend some months in prayer and get clarity than for you to spend 75 years confused and running around looking for a solution. It may be difficult and you’ll need Spirit Power, but don’t make any decision in the heat of the moment because you think you might never get a better opportunity. Seek God’s advice. Seek His opinion first, before making any decision. He’ll respect the fact that you respected Him and give you an answer.

 In relationships, don’t show interest in a girl you’re not sure you’re getting married to. You might think you really need to get to know her (especially when you meet her in a place you might never be to again) but if it's really God’s will He’ll make it work out for you to meet again. He’s very interested in your marriage working if only you’ll seek His counsel first. Except you’re sure, don’t go showing interest in any sister because you THINK she’s right for you. Women are very perceptive and majority take the lightest advances to heart especially if you’re very eligible. Before you meet any girl seek God’s counsel first, don’t start calling and then abruptly stop when God finally tells you no. You would have saved her the heartache from the very beginning. It’s good to obey God, in fact, you should but there’s a girl somewhere heartbroken who if she feels insecure would be crying and saying she knows there is something wrong with her.

Wisdom is necessary to guide us in all our affairs.


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